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Excessive coffee more than headaches
The Norwegian researchers warned that eating large amounts of coffee increases the headaches Contrary to what some think.
He stated daily health news site that Norwegian researchers - from the University of Science and Technology in Oslo - asked fifty thousand and 483 people during the period between 1995 and 1997 to answer questions about eating habits, coffee, and often you feel a headache.
According to the study - published in the journal aches caused by headaches - those who consume a large amount of soft drinks that contain caffeine daily (500 mg) increases their risk of migraine or migraine headaches by 18% compared to their counterparts who ate the drinks do not contain this substance.
The study also found that low intake of caffeine lead to chronic headaches any headaches for at least 14 days per month, which requires people who suffer migraines pay attention to coffee as one of the main reasons for their suffering.
The researchers, from the Norwegian University of caffeine - which is more materials consumed stimulant in the world - enters into a lot of medications for pain even if in limited quantities and are very low.
The Viking consumes about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, or about four cups of coffee which is more than twice what the American and European drink, at a time when doctors are advised not to exceed the amount of caffeine that addressed the individual 125 milligrams daily.

Smokers are more susceptible to TB
Taiwanese study found that smokers are more than twice as likely to symptoms of active TB disease compared with persons who have never smoked, prompting calls for policymakers to be tougher on smoking.
The study followed nearly 18 thousand people in Taiwan representing the general population for more than three years.
There is one out of every three people in the world infected with TB but 90% of these infections remain latent. The remaining 10% Faisabon at some stage of their lives with active TB due to a weakened immune system.
For example, many infected people who have HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis and dying.
The study appeared in the previous Taiwan's 57 active cases of tuberculosis after a poll of 17 thousand and 699 cases, including three thousand and 893 smokers and 552 former smokers and 13 thousand and 245 never smoked.
The study found that current smokers more susceptible to active TB after taking into consideration gender, age, living in a crowded home, household income, marital status, alcohol use and employment.
The study pointed out that smokers may decrease their ability to fight viruses and bacteria such as tuberculosis in the lungs.
It is noteworthy that tuberculosis remains a leading cause of death in the world. 9.3 million were injured TB and 1.8 million died due to illness in 2007.
The World Health Organization (WHO) aims to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis to one case per million people per year by 2050.